4.0 audit

Activating the right digital ways to improve your industrial performance

Start your audit 4.0

The 4.0 audit proposed by Inoprod aims to measure the digital maturity of your organization and to develop an action plan based on your strategic and operational issues. The first step of the audit consist in giving you a diagnosis which includes:

  • An inventory of your industrial digital ecosystem
  • An analysis and evaluation of your different processes (production, maintenance, logistics, etc.)
  • A structural and technological action plan staggered according to your operational and strategic priorities

The 3 pillars of your action plan

Depending on the results of the diagnosis 4.0, our experts will support you on all or part of the following pillars:

Industrial organization
Based on establishes health check, our experts are committed to creating an action plan to improve your organization and processes. Our action plans integrate proposals for co-constructed actions, rated according to precise criteria and prioritized, in line with your progress objectives.
Integration of digital softwares
Our experts will guide you in the choice of the best software solutions (MES, ERP, business software…) to be deployed taking into account your existing digital ecosystem and your performance objectives. This support can take the form of solution integration or support (writting specifications, framing, solution selection) in order to identify and select the solutions adapted to your challenges.
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Change management
The reorganization of your processes or the integration of software solutions to optimize their performance cannot be done without the support of your teams. A change management plan associated with different performance indicators will be custom-built with you. Training, workshops, creation of communication supports, etc. Everything will be implemented to succeed in the digital transformation of your organization.

KPI TP measure the effectiveness of the action plan

Different performance indicators will be built to analyze and measure the success of your action plan.

Below, is an example of KPI’s according to the pillars:

  • Industrial organization : the creation of dashboards, the creation of a digital twin to anticipate and optimize production control.
  • Integration of digital softwares : utilization rate, benchmarking before/after implementation of the solution.
  • Support for change : Field survey, skills assessment, etc.

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