Securing the production and performance of a production line by a dynamic simulation

COMAU is specialized in the design of automated production lines for the automobile.

As part of the production of a new engine for an automotive manufacturer, COMAU is responsible for developing an engine block machining production line.

Due to the complexity of the flows and the simultaneity of the line parameters, Inoprod has worked with COMAU to validate the design of the line and its capacity objectives before finalizing the purchasing of the means.

Flow simulation objectives

  • On a digital model, model and simulate the different flow phases of the production line (filling phase, permanent phase, emptying phase)
  • Identify the parameters influencing the overall performance and carry out a sensitivity study
  • Determine the operating rules of the production line and validate its design

Proposed technical solutions

Definition and securing of the automation rules to be implemented on the line (number and circulation rules of parts)

Modification of the conveying system configuration (Addition of a buffer to speed up the parts crossing) to optimize the line productivity

Key indicators analyzed

Line filling and emptying time

Machines occupation rate

Production rate (in piece / hour)

Takt time (parts/hour)

Lead Time

Special features of the line

  • Two Gantry robots that depend on each other
  • Several machines that allow different operations of the range
  • Tables distribute the parts on the conveyor circuits according to their progress

Jean-Louis MARES  – Automatization project manager

En un temps record, la simulation a permis de tester plusieurs scenarii jusqu’à l’obtention de la solution optimale

The simulation could test several scenarios until the optimal solution was obtained in record time.

Contractually by the customer, the line flow simulation was a validation milestone to stop the solution and authorize its launch in manufacturing. It had to demonstrate the line's ability to achieve operational performance and obtain customer support for the solution.

In record time compared to traditional solutions, the simulation could test several scenarios until the optimal solution was obtained thanks to the visualizations of the impact of the modifications made.

Very early in the project, the client and the project team could be reassured about the relevance of the chosen solution and be confident about the achievement of performance. Validating the solution before performing helps minimize rejects and rework, which is costly when they are discovered late.

A win-win collaboration

More than a service provider, Inoprod has been a partner involved in achieving the performance of our project by being a source of proposals, providing us the benefit of its experience. A win-win collaboration.

"Through this project we could highlight the impacts of hazards on the performance of a sequenced process. The customer was able to prepare and test the technical solutions before the physical tests."
Elise ARNAL - Flow Engineer Specialist

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