Conception, site or production line reorganization
Inoprod helps you to get successful on your industrial projects
Wether it is within the framework of the design, the evolution, the optimization and the piloting of your production system, Inoprod secures your decision making. To do so, we rely on the skills and expertise of our team, on proven methodologies and innovative digital tools of the 4.0 industry. Our commitment is fixed-price, and our services are proposed in costs and commitment of results.
Pre-study and definition of industrial scenarios, realization of flow simulation studies, creation of piloting tools, management and support to project management, etc. Inoprod helps you to get successful on your industrial projects.
Pre-study and definition of industrial scenarios
This phase consists in framing the global perimeter of you project, integrating your stakes, collecting your key data, operating constraints and influential parameters to carry out the pre-study. It will formalize the industrial scenarios to be studied and will result in the following types of deliverables:
- Functional bricks of the future process
- Synthesis of the input and output data of the scenarios
- Functional analysis of each scenario integrating the constraints, strategic objectives, technical, management and design principles.
- SWOT of each scenario
- Process risk analysis on target scenario (FMECA)
- CAPEX / OPEX choice matrix

Realization of flow simulation studies
The dynamic simulation of flows (physical and information) is a crucial step in an industrial project that will allow you to represent in a concrete, dynamic temporal way, the future organization of the factory, the workshop or the production line. 3 main phases characterize this study: the analytical phase, the modeling phase and the exploratory phase.

Analytical phase :
Definition of the scope of the study according to your industrial context
This phase consists of confirming and validating the client’s expectations and the data to carry out the modeling work. In particular, it must enable the architecture of the analysis perimeter to be specified, the data to be integrated ( technical times, production plan, operator assignments, etc…) the key indicators of the model ( such as stock occupancy rates and delivery dates), etc.
This phase is formalized through the delivery of a technical report that will serve as a working basis for the modeling phase.

Modeling phase :
Modeling your production system
This phase consists in developing and building the dynamic flow model by implementing the different operating and programming logics. The dynamic model is built using Siemens Tecnomatix® Plant Simulation.

Exploratory phase :
Analysis of the results and definition of optimal solutions
Inoprod makes simulations according to architectures and data logics, giving you a precise evaluation of the performances, this phase helps us to test :
- Several sets of parameters, type : process time, technical characteristics, number of operator resources, availability rate, failure rate, buffers capacity, fault rate. ;
- The industrial scenarios planned
- Determination and calibration of influential parameters.
This analysis enables the extraction and exploitation of performance indicators by comparing different industrial scenarios. On this basis, our experts complete the technical report with adapted organizational recommendations.
Creation of piloting tools
Inoprod helps you to get successful on the definition and realization of your digital twin and supports you in :
- The definition of your needs
- The elaboration of the digital twin development strategy
- The creation of the digital twin
- The definition and creation of dashboards necessary for performance analysis.

Project management
Inoprod gives you a support on your industrial project management:
- Task planning and scheduling (Gant, critical path)
- Coordination of project teams
- Project Risk Management (FMECA)
- The definition and piloting of the project’s indicators
- The organization of reporting and internal and external communication

3D Design and implementation
On the basis of the Siemens Line Designer software, we carry out the design and 3D layout of your factory, workshop or production line. This service can be carried out independently or in connection with the preliminary dynamic flow study.

They trust us

More flexible and efficient production lines with Tecnomatix® Plant Simulation.
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Securing the production and performance of a production line by a dynamic simulation
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