Innovation: our DNA

Since 2011, Inoprod’s development has been part of a dynamic resolutely turned towards the future. The increase of skills and the acquisition of innovative technologies allows us to support our customers in their transition to the industry of the future. More than following trends, we want to actively participate in the development of the services, tools and working methods of the industry of tomorrow.

An internal and collaborative R&D strategy

Research and development at INOPROD have a predominant place and have for objectives to innovate in collaboration with our customers, as well as the development of new technological bricks allowing to bring an added value always more important.

Therefore, our R&D policy is based on 2 points:

The creation of synergy with players in the industrial and academic world

We are developing many projects in collaboration with players from the industrial and academic world. This synergy is essential in order to share and develop, in a common and coherent vision, our objectives for the future and above all to meet the industrial challenges that await us. This win-win partnership is necessary to extend our network, to develop our skills and know-how in order to always stay one step ahead.

Constant solicitation of our expertise

Our experts are regularly called upon to develop new services, new tools and new working methodologies for the benefit of our customers and their industrial performance. Thus, we dedicate a significant portion of our turnover to R&D in order to maintain our technological dynamism and our efficiency, the basis of our growth.

Make an appointment with an expert

Or contact us : +33 (0)4 73 27 20 89 (FR) / +1 (438) 921-5381 (CA)

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